MOI! Museums of Impact
- What opportunities does the surrounding society offer for the museum and its services?
- What kind of impact does the museum seek to have on its communities?
- Is the museum allowing the environment to impact its own operations?
- How can the museum take control of its impact?
- For whom and with whom are the services planned and carried out in order to achieve the intended impacts?
- How are the museum’s resources put into active use to improve the impact of operations and services?
- What kind of operating culture and working practices enables the museum to have an impact?
- Is it possible to achieve the desired impacts through the museum’s current services?
MOI! Museums of Impact aims to help museums to answer these questions by creating an evaluation framework for European museums with impact in its core.

MOI! Project in a nutshell
- Funded by the Creative Europe programme (CO-OP2)
- Duration until November 2022
- 11 Partners from 8 countries across Europe
- Aim:
to produce a European museum self-evaluation framework for museums of all sizes an types; to provide museums with a tool that helps them increase their impact in society. - Key activities:
a series of workshops and open stakeholder forums to formulate the new model; a number of pilots in museums to test the model; publishing the model and disseminating information about it.
How to be involved?
- Open stakeholder forums will take place in Germany, Finland, Italy, Austria, Greece and Estonia. These will be used to formulate the model together with the museum sector stakeholders. Come and join!
- Pilots will happen in museums across Europe, mainly in partner countries FI, IT, GR, DE, EE, AT.
- A Mobility Scheme will allow a number of museum professionals to increase their competences – application announcement.