5th Stakeholder Forum: Mõjukad muuseumid 2022, Tartu, Estonia, May 2022
60th Annual Conference of the Estonian National Museum
3 May 2022, Tartu, Estonia
Mõjukad muuseumid
The main topic of the conference is the impact and relevance of museums. In Europe, cultural heritage plays an important role in promoting active citizenship, shared values, cultural identity and well-being. How do museums address their audiences in the context of these expectations and how can the impact of their activities be assessed? The conference will take place in the framework of the “MOI! Museums of impact” project, which has been creating a self-evaluation framework for European museums with impact in its core. The workshops will be a good change to test the impact modules created by the project.
11:00 Welcome
Kertu Saks, director
Moderator: Pille Runnel
11:15-12:15 Keynote
Jette Sandahl, European Museum Forum
No Time for Denial
12:15-12:45 Philippa Simpson, V&A Museum
Permanence as Relevance: the V&A Museum of Childhood
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:05 Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Estonian National Museum, Malmö University
The impact of CCIs, Measurement and Data: What to Choose and Where it Takes Us?
14:05-14:25 Rasmus Kask, Eesti Vabaõhumuuseum / Estonian Open Air Museum
Development Plans in Estonian Museums: Hurdles or Springboards Towards Impact?
14:25-15:45 Raivis Simansons, Žanis Lipke Memorial
Influential Communication of a Difficult Past: The Case of the Žanis Lipke Memorial
14:45-15:05 Karen Jagodin, Vabamu
15:05-15:35 Pirjo Hamari, Finnish Heritage Agency
How Museums Can Develop their Relevance in Society
15:35-16:00 Coffee break
16:00 Workshops
Projekti MOI! Mõjukad muuseumid väljatöötatud muuseumide enesehindamismudelite töötoad: 3 gruppi eesti keeles
Testing of MOI! Museums of Impact Project Museum Impact Modules: 1 group in English
17.00 Number Fascination: A Reflection on Data and Measuring, exhibition opening
Registration to the event here
More information about the event here