4th Stakeholder Forum: Museum zeigt Wirkung! March 2022
Museum zeigt Wirkung!
- MOI Stakeholder Forum
21st of March 2022
Graz, Austria
Open stakeholder forum for the Austrian museum field
Get to know an analysis tool for your special quality management in the museum
The MOI Museums of Impact project focuses on the social impact of museums and their performance. The project's aim is to provide an analysis tool - easy to handle, practical in use and free - that museums can use independently for internal quality management. The development is carried out in close interaction with the European museum community in the context of stakeholder forums. In an interplay of awareness building, content-related input, first field reports and critical-creative exchange, you can now also take part in this process.
MOI's analytical framework will support museums in a contemporary way. It makes it possible to autonomously analyze their lasting impact on society, to define it qualitatively and quantitatively, to make it verifiable and to enlarge it. It motivates the independent development of goals and the provision of the necessary conditions, materials and steps. In enables the teams to immediately improve the associated processes, offers and services in the museum.
Henry McGhee, Curating tomorrow, UK
Maryam Laura Moazedi, Diversitätsexpertin, Universität Graz
Luise Reitstätter, Universität Wien, Project "Recht auf Museum"
Pirjo Hamari, Museovirasto - Finnish Heritage Hgency; Presentation of MOI project
Sabine Fauland, Museumsbund Österreich, Museum score card
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