In the Piloting phase six museums had the chance to try the framework which consists of set of evaluation questions that have been formulated to specially address the role of museums in society, under four different impact areas.
The pilots took place between January and March 2022 in different museums in Austria, Estonia, Finland, Germany and Italy. The chosen pilot museums represent a variety of museum organisations from small to large institutions and from public institutions to private foundations, from all museum sectors. The museums were selected through the MOI project partners’ networks.
The pilots were an integral part of the further development of the evaluation framework, providing crucial information on its adaptability and usability in use. The feedback from the pilot round will help finalise the framework.
The final self-evaluation framework for museums will be freely available in late 2022 as an open access publication and guidance material.
Read NEMO's news about Pilots in Kunsthaus Dalhem and Georg Kolbe museum in Berlin, Germany here
Read the report of the Pilots here
In addition to the Pilots NEMO organised a capacity buildning activity to offer 20 museums an introduction to the framework and to discuss the impact topics planned for the framework. Read more about the Enhancing your Museum's Impact: Self-evaluation & development training here